Monday, April 20, 2015

Ch7 assignment

Chapter 7: Five, Powerful Classroom Rules
Describe how you will teach, and continue to reinvigorate for the school year, one of the Five Classroom Rules.

I believe all Five Classroom Rules are equally important. I begin teaching my students the Five Rules when they arrive on the first day. The first thing I teach them when they come in is “class-yes.” Then I follow that with “mirror-words” and “teach-okay.” Once they have a grasp on those three WBT techniques, I then begin teaching the rules. I have my rules posted on all four wall. That way no one can say, “I didn't know what the rules were.” So, to teach the rules, I give the “class-yes” attention getter, then call for “mirror-words,” and finally I give the rule number and gesture at the same time. I then give the call “teach-okay,” and the students use big gestures to teach their partner. Once both partners have had a chance to teach, I call “class-yes”, and continue through the other four rules using the same steps.

Since, I believe all the rules are equally important, I do not mind repeating myself when it comes to our classroom rules. We practice the rules every time we return from bathroom breaks, specials, lunch, and recess. I also have my class practice them after a break longer than 3 days. With the rules posted on all four walls and repeating them all the time, my student’s are always aware of the rules. I can call them in any order, and they know them. After Fall Break, I begin allowing the student’s to teach the rules to the class during morning meeting. They really enjoy this because they feel like the teacher.

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