Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ch11 assignment

Chapter 11: The Scoreboard
From the 15+ variations of the Scoreboard in Chapter 11, pick five you will use in the school year. Explain why you picked each one and estimate how long you will use your selection before going on to the next.

I enjoy using the scoreboard game in my class. My students are always trying to best me at the game. On the days they succeed they are very happy. The days I win, they are upset, but understand why they lost. I start the year by teaching my students how to use the simple Smiley/frowny scoreboard.

1. Ping-pong: I like using the ping-pong scoreboard because it is a great way to praise and reprimand at the same time. There are things my class do well, but then sometimes there are areas they can improve upon. I would use the ping-pong scoreboard theme one week a month during the school year.
2. Doubler: I like using the doubler scoreboard because it motivates my students to stay on top of their game. I use this version of the scoreboard at end of the school year when everyone is ready for a long break. I use the doubler scoreboard theme approximately the last 30 days of schools.
3. Drum roll: Since I teach second grade, I like the drum roll scoreboard. The students get the release a little bit of extra energy throughout the day. Plus, they enjoy making a drum sound on their legs or desk. I use the drum roll scoreboard theme one week a month during the school year.
4. Beat the clock: The beat the clock scoreboard is a great way to teach your students rule #1 at the beginning of the year. I like using this after the first month of school. By then I expect my students to be super quick at following directions. One way I help them improve on their time is using the beat the clock scoreboard.
5. Scoreboard Rewards: The scoreboard rewards theme is a wonderful way to let the students earn a reward rather than giving to them.  Some of the rewards I use with the scoreboard is extra homework, extra recess time, extra stations time on Friday, and movie minutes. I use this scoreboard as needed throughout the year.

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