Sunday, August 28, 2011

Compound Word Song

Color Brown song

Color Purple song

Color Orange Song

Color Yellow song

Color Green song

Color Blue song

Color Red Song

Time Off

Well, we ended up taking a 9 days break from homeschooling.  We are going to start up again tomorrow with a new curriculum based more towards the Oklahoma PASS Skills she still needs for Pre-K.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lesson #1 Day#2

Colors/Shapes: cut out red squares today.  Glue them to a white piece of paper, and counted the squares. Also, played with RED play-doh to make a square.

Spelling: located the B in the foam titles. spelled name, red, and showed the letter B. Used "B"eans to fill in a letter B and colored the outside of it RED

Writing: practiced writing name, letter B, color RED, and the numeral 1

Math: located items in the quantity of 1. colored a numeral 1 worksheet RED, cut it out, and glued it to a RED construction paper. Also glued 1 "B"ean to the sheet

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lesson #1 Day #1 Notes

Theme: Cow

8:25 theme, 1 theme poem, 1 theme song, days of week song
8:40 shapes/color: use red construction paper to make a square (she had to draw and cut out), also she colored a square worksheet red, sung color song
9:10 spelling: switched to B instead of A, used foam letters to look at B, color a B worksheet, spelled out the theme word COW, and spelled her name
9:40 potty break/outside play
10:00 Reading: visit public library for Preschool storytime
11:15 lunch
12:00 writing: practiced writing first and last name, also worked on letter of the week
12:15 Math: found items around home of the quantity of 1, look at the foam title 1, colored a 1 worksheet
12:30 Review

Lesson #1 Day #1 Videos

Red Square

Cow Song

Lesson #1 Day #1

Color/Shape: Today Meadow cut out a RED SQUARE from construction paper. She also colored a SQUARE RED.

Spelling: Today Meadow work with small foam tiles. Using them she spelled her name, we looked at the word COW (theme of the week), and we looked at the letter B. She also colored a letter B worksheet.

Writing: Worked on writing first and last name.  Also worked on writing the letter B

Math: Found items around the house of the quantity of (1). Look at the foam titles for the numeral one, and colored a numeral one worksheet.

Lesson #1

Today, we are starting a new lesson curriculum from Brightly Beaming Resources.  I may not use all of the information in the lesson provide on their site, but I will use most of it.  The lessons available are for 2 - 4 year old children.  I will also be adding in art, science, and social studies.  This way she is meeting the Oklahoma PASS Objectives for Preschoolers.

Lesson #1 Link

*Note: the three additional/changes not included in the lesson that I added was 1) The letter from A to B. A will be cover first full week in September for Johnny Appleseed.  2) We are covering the shape square (as mentioned in lesson), but we are also covering the color red.  3) Instead of only covering one task a day, we are doing a little of each area for all five days.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day #1: Art & Science Pictures

Day #1

Today was the first day of homeschool for Meadow.  Here is the schedule we followed for the day.  I did not use a theme or anything for today.  I am planning on using a theme and a preschool homeschooling curriculum starting tomorrow.

8:00 Writing: Used primary paper to practice writing first and last name. Completed three pages in a writing workbook.

8:30 Spelling: Sung Alphabet Song. Identified known alphabet letters using floor squares (She can identify the following: A, D, E, K, M, O, P, W, X). Picked out squares that spell name.

8:50 Math: Had her count until she messed up (counts to 29 after that she say twenty-ten , twenty-eleven....). Identifying numbers (can identify # 1 - 10). Used primary writing paper to practice writing the numerals 1 and 2

9:10 Colors/Shapes: Completed twp pages from workbook (covering red & square). Identify colors using flashcards (she can identify the following: yellow, black, pink, white, brown, green, purple, red, orange, blue = that was everything in the deck)

9:35 Reading: Read Aloud today....I read to her the book Love Me, Love You by Susan Heybrook O'Keefe

9:50 Science: Make homemade spray chalk

10:15 Art: Use the new spray chalk outside on the sidewalk

11:00 Lunch


     John and I decided to do homeschooling with Meadow until Berryhill Public Schools calls with an opening in their Early Childhood Program.  Currently, she is second on the list, and the EC program began yesterday.  I called them yesterday afternoon, and they said everyone was in attendance for the day.